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InnerSelf の毎日のインスピレーション

2024 年 4 月 24 日


I persist as love despite all evidence to the contrary.

今日のインスピレーションを書いたのは、 ポール・ワイス:

On the window ledge over my kitchen sink sits a large Chinese Buddhist statue of Guanyin, the goddess of compassion. Guanyin is said to have ears that enable her to listen to all the suffering of the world, a heart that can hold it all, and the willingness to appear in any form that will help alleviate suffering.

この能力は彼女の「空虚」の認識に基づいています。私たちは空虚ではなく、経験や苦しみの虚無的な否定ではないことを学びました。むしろ、それは「物語」やドラマが空であり、投影や物象化が空であり、反応性が空である空虚です。この空虚さが心に残ります。   スペース ひるむことなく経験を受け入れることで、受け入れ、祝福することができます。

Guanyin represents a potential capacity within human beings. It is a capacity that the suffering of the world is asking of us; not only because it それが必要です 私達、 しかし、また、 we それが必要です 自分自身。 We stand in the world at the heart of paradox, with one foot in the beauty that we are, and one foot in the sorrow. And that must ever be the crucible of our capacity to love. To persist as love despite all evidence to the contrary.

今日のインスピレーションは、InnerSelf.com の記事から抜粋したものです。
     Written by Paul Weiss.

こちらは、InnerSelf.com の共同発行者、マリー T. ラッセルです。 wishing you a day of living Love (today and every day)

 If we can "be" angry, judgmental, critical, etc., we can also "be" Love. It is a choice of attitude, of choosing "where we are coming from". We can act and respond from the egoic part of us, or we can respond from the heart, from Love. The way to true peace and happiness, is always to choose to respond from Love, and to persist as Love whatever seems to be taking place around. Anything else leads to separation. Love joins us all together, or rather, allows us to see that we are all joined together. The ego tries to tell us that we are separate, that it is a "us against them" world. But, the truth is that we are One, we are Love. Anything else is a deception of the ego, and of other people's egos.

今日の焦点: I persist as Love despite all evidence to the contrary.

ここでサブスクライブ「InnerSelf の毎日のインスピレーション」の次の記事をよろしくお願いします。

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関連本: 直接体験のダルマ

直接体験のダルマ: 生活の非二元原則



詳細および/またはこの本の注文については、ここをクリックしてください オーディオブックおよびKindle版としてもご利用いただけます。



Paul Weiss began serious practice in Zen as well as tai chi in 1966 and spent years in several training and monastic settings, including in schools and clinics in China. In 1981 he founded the ホールヘルスセンター in Bar Harbor, Maine, where he teaches, counsels, and offers meditation retreats and his True Heart, True Mind Intensive. A lifelong poet, he is the author of two collections of poems and essays, あなたはこれを保持します 古い柵にもたれる月光:詩として法に迫る。
