bowls of apples & oranges on counter	      Share This Article     facebook     twitter     Action  Beyond the usual advice about less food and more exercise, the study suggests that consciously replacing unhealthy cues with healthy ones in the home could have a real impact on a person's BMI, especially for women. (Credit: Abi Porter/Flickr) How the kitchen counter can predict your weight  Cornell University rightOriginal Study  Posted by George Lowery-Cornell on October 20, 2015  You are free to share this article under the Attribution 4.0 International license.  The types of ready-to-eat foods on a kitchen countertop could also hint at the weight of the people in the home, particularly women.  The study looked at photographs of more than 200 kitchens in Syracuse, New York, to test how the food environment relates to the body mass index (BMI) of the adults at home.  The women in the study who kept fresh fruit out in the open tended to be a normal weight compared with their peers. But when snacks like cereals and sodas were readily accessible, those people were heavier than their neighbors—by an average of more than 20 pounds.  “It’s your basic See-Food Diet—you eat what you see,” says Brian Wansink, professor and director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and lead author of the paper in the journal Health Education and Behavior. [Would you take food advice from a heavier blogger?]  The study finds that women who kept soft drinks on their counter weighed 24 to 26 pounds more than those who kept their kitchen clear of them. A box of cereal on the counter lined up with women there weighing an average 20 pounds more than their neighbors who didn’t.  “As a cereal-lover, that shocked me,” says Wansink. “Cereal has a health-halo, but if you eat a handful every time you walk by, it’s not going to make you skinny.”  When unhealthy foods are the most visible options in the kitchen, falling into habits that lead to weight gain becomes easier. Keeping those foods out of sight by sequestering them in pantries and cupboards reduces their convenience, making it less likely that they will be grabbed in a moment of hunger.  Clearing the counters of the cereals, sodas, and other snack items and replacing them with healthier visible cues like fresh fruit could help, the study finds: Women who had a fruit bowl visible weighed about 13 pounds less than neighbors who didn’t. [Could a bribe entice you to eat less?]  The study also finds that normal-weight women were more likely to have a designated cupboard for snack items and less likely to buy food in large-sized packages than those who are obese.  The findings provide new insights into the role environmental factors play with obesity and offer remedies to rid the home of unhealthy cues while promoting the healthy ones. Rather than just the usual dietary advice prescribing less food and more exercise, the study suggests that consciously replacing unhealthy cues with healthy ones in the home could have a real impact on a person’s BMI, especially for women.  “We’ve got a saying in our lab, ‘If you want to be skinny, do what skinny people do,'” Wansink says.  Source: Matt Hayes for Cornell University この研究は、家庭内の健康でないものを意識的に置き換えることが、特に女性にとって、人のBMIに本当の影響を与える可能性があることを示唆しています。 (クレジット:Abi Porter / Flickr



開封時に新鮮なフルーツを保有していた研究の女性は、同僚と比較して通常の体重である傾向があった。 しかし、シリアルやソーダのような軽食がすぐに手に入るときは、20ポンド以上の平均で、隣人より重い人がいました。

コーン・フード&ブランド・ラボの教授兼ディレクター、ブライアン・ワンシンク(Brian Wansink)は、「あなたが見ているものを食べるのは、あなたの基本的なシーフードダイエットです。 健康教育と行動.

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この調査では、カウンターで清涼飲料水を飲んだ女性は、キッチンをしっかり保っていた人よりも24が26ポンドに重いことが分かりました。 カウンターにシリアルの箱が並んでいて、その隣にいる人より平均20ポンドが重い。

「シリアル愛好家として、それは私に衝撃を与えました」とWansink氏は言います。 「穀物には健康ハローがありますが、歩くたびに少量食べれば、それはあなたを痩せさせません」

健康でない食品がキッチンで最も目に見える選択肢である場合、体重増加につながる習慣に落ちることはより簡単になります。 食べ物や食器棚の中でそれらの食品を封じ込めることによってそれらの食品を目立たなくすることは、利便性を低下させ、飢えの瞬間につかまる可能性を低下させる。



この知見は、環境要因が肥満の果たす役割についての新たな洞察を提供し、健常な手がかりを促進する一方、健康ではない手がかりを家庭から排除する救済策を提供する。 この研究は、不健康な手がかりを意識的に家庭内の健康なものに置き換えることが、特に女性にとって、人のBMIに本当の影響を与える可能性があることを示唆しています。

「私たちは、私たちの研究室で言ってんだ」あなたはスキニーになりたい場合は、スキニーの人々が何を行うには、 ' "Wansink氏は述べています。

出典:マット・ヘイズのために コー​​ネル大学

